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Saturday, 25 January 2025 13:33

Capturing Jupiter through my Canon R5 mk2

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New Year's is now a ritual with my friends who were instrumental in me developing Photography as an serious hobby which later transformed into my current profession. This also is a rare opportunity to share & practice our hobbies amongst ourselves, spouses and our kids. 

This year we picked a picturesque traditionally styled event space / house amist the Hesserghatta Grasslands for our yearly get-together / new-year's party, yes - yes it was not all hobby serious event but rather one filled with games like cricket, football, some swimming, board games, bonfire, yummy food and much more.

As Valentine's Day approaches, love is in the air, and what better way to celebrate than capturing your unique love story with a Couple's Photography Session at Artriva Studios?

Whether it's your first Valentine's together or your fiftieth, we are here to immortalize your moments with your loved one in a way that reflects your unique bond.


As a Rental space provider there are few things that we can enforce such as Issuing GST Invoices (for both record keeping & having money trail as to who made the booking & was paid by whom etc), Clients are only comfortable with providing generic information such as E-Commerce shoot, Jewellery, Fashion/Portfolio etc before making a booking. This creates a scenario where we are unable to fully verify a client up until we have given a confirmed booking. When in doubt we do ask ask for an e-mail listing the scope of work / promises to end client etc.

Over the last year(s), we have come across several parents having fallen for a paid activity where their kids are featured on the sites of some of the  "brand names" mentioned in the title. Our (and many other studios of photographers in Bangalore) are mentioned as the venue for these activities.

Intention of this article is to avoid Brand Names / Trademarks from being misused - 

Now coming to the topic of "Sham Portfolio Shoots for Kids", wherein many dubious entities have been collecting various sums of monies from gullible parents in the name of "Featuring their children on popular E-Commerce Sites (& other opportunities)".

Thursday, 18 November 2021 07:14

Understanding Pricing Photography Services

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"Pricing Photography Services" is a topic little understood by my many new age freelance & even some professional photographers. A consequence of poor financial planning has its effects on deliverables to clients, a reason for non-photographers (Clients) to read this article too.

Photography looks easy, Lots of cameras are available, even phones have over 100MP resolutions these days.

  • Then why a photographer?
  • Premium pricing for photography?
  • Do I lose out on anything when I hire a photographer who charges less?

If there is that one major factor that guarantees your chance of getting noticed online matrimony profile, it is your profile photograph, a well-shot headshot. Your headshot is your first impression and the deciding factor for you to get noticed or ignored. Once a first impression is made, it is very hard to change that perception of you. A good set of profile pictures communicates a lot about your personality and your seriousness in a relationship.

Psychologists say it takes about a tenth of a second to form an impression about the person we meet!

No wonder First Impression is the Best Impression

Most people are put off by poor quality photos that are

  • low in resolution
  • grainy/noisy and taken in dull light.
  • having very old photographs in your profile.
  • not having enough variations in your pictures used in your profile
  • photos that don’t really represent who you are (your intro text says something which does not match your picture portfolio)

Read on to know more on how to go about creating an online profile that gets you the most responses from people you are most compatible with.

Thursday, 06 May 2021 15:53

Photo Print & Framing (COVID - SERVICE)

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We have been receiving regular enquiries for "Photo Print & Framing", and we have been unable to service these requests with almost all commercial printers out of operation most people are reaching dead-ends. Desperation is such that I have now given away the frames that I had to use as photography props for my photoshoots. 

This post is an announcement of limited printing services at our Studio & a collection of links to some printers that are operational. 

NOTE: Printing is NOT OUR CORE BUSINESS, and our printing capability/capacity has just been to validate our workflow for colour matching. This post will be continuously updated with more links (if traffic is more) and updates if any to our printing Capacities.

With the dominance of major e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Flipkart and the ease at which brands can go online with their own website and start selling online there is serious competition for brick & mortar stores in terms of scalability os sales by reaching out to a larger base of potential customers.

The biggest challenge that is seen in this route of building a Brand / Sales through the online route is the "Cost". Many expect e-commerce to work magic but the truth of the matter is "E-commerce does have its costs which match up to/be higher than the cost of a physical store". while the previous statement is true what one needs to realise that at the same price it also allows one to reach out to a larger client base which in turn can be converted to a higher sales volume & better margins.

Working in a closed/confined areas presents challenges for team-based work such as photography shoots (closed spaces). Though these guidelines are meant for clients of Artriva Studios, the following information/guidelines may be suitable for similar working conditions. Some of the known work conditions and associated risk factors are as below.

  • Need/requirement to work as a team in confined spaces.
  • The need for handling multiple objects by the team members.
  • Regular sanitisation of workspace, furniture & equipment.
  • Logging of information for contact tracing.
  • Please take time to read instructions given for all professions (i.e. a Model also reads instructions for Photographer, MUA, organiser etc). The intention of this is being able to help one another in following these guidelines.
  • The studio space at this time of the year needs to have an Air Conditioner (external temperatures in excess of 33-36 degree celsius along with high levels of humidity)
Saturday, 02 May 2020 02:50

Now use your Canon dSLR as a webcam

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With the spread of COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdowns across the globe virtual meetings and gatherings have become the new norm, resulting in a huge surge in demand for webcams and prices several times the MRP/MSRP. With the lockdown also brought much of our photography business to a standstill, the biggest pinch we felt was the lack of a webcam (i do remember having a decades-old, low-resolution webcam somewhere with the broken mount - hence the "somewhere bit")

We did manage a while with workarounds using 3rd party software and a screen-capture of onscreen live-view video from my cameras(DSLRs)

All this changed by this awesome announcement by Cannon

Monday, 06 April 2020 17:23

Updates related to COVID-19

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COVID-19 Update

  • With the current lockdown in progress and the uncertainty surrounding it, we are coming up with 1-on-1 online classes & online courses in photography.
    • Contact us for more information (Whatsapp:- 9886156696 / eMail:- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
    • You can also get your questions on photography answered over here.
  • We are currently working with limited capacity serving our existing clients. Services are mostly limited to
    • Photography services (such as but not limited to) Product Photography.
    • We will be following Government Regulations in allowing visits to our studio (single person / short duration) under emergency conditions
    • All visitor contact information will be logged for the next couple of months (to allow for tracing if such a need arises)
  • We are contributing computing time to a distributed computing project Folding@home. (Folding@home is a distributed computing project studying how different proteins work making very large computer simulations)
  • The announcement for a Free Modelling portfolio has been deferred until there are restrictions in place for COVID-19 / Corona Virus.
    • COVID Virus spreads easily in closed enclosed spaces. This deferment is keeping safety in mind.
  • Studio Rentals are now open, please refer to working guidelines here.

For any clarification/support, you can call / Whatsapp us on +91.98861-56696

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  • First time working with Studio Lights ?
  • Total cost of production hard to estimate ?
  • Do you need additional support for your shoots ?
  • Finding it hard to manage the entire production ?

We follow a no-compete policy and an assistant is provided to help you get started in the shortest possible time. Unlike our competition our studio rentals include the full set of lighting equipment & accessories listed on our website when you hire our studio.

Production houses & brands can also outsource the production which will be executed strictly as per the mood-board, the post-production can be undertaken by us/raw rata can be transferred to you during/immediately after the shoot.

Quick Links

Our fully equipped photography studio is available for hire, details of studio dimensions, facilities & equipment can be found here

Online Booking

Have a Question or need support ??
Open a support ticket and we will take care of the rest   

Support Portal

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