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Wednesday, 04 April 2018 09:32

Photography Tips For creating an effective Matrimonial Profile

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If there is that one major factor that guarantees your chance of getting responses on your online matrimony profile, it is your matrimonial profile photograph. Your photograph is your first impression, the deciding factor which decides if you get noticed or ignored. Once a first impression is made, it is very rare that the perception about you changes. A good profile (and photograph) also communicates your seriousness for a long term relationship / commitment.

According to psychologists  it takes just 1/10 of a second to form an impression about the person we meet! No wonder First Impression is the Best Impression

Poor quality photos that are of low resolution, grainy, and also not having enough photographs or posting old photos that don’t really represent who you are.

Read to know how to avoid the cardinal sins that you should avoid when creating your matrimonial profile.

It does not matter if you are listing your profile on a traditional matrimonial site or dating service  - You will need more than one photograph for your profile , It is a known fact that profiles with photographs get at least 10 times more responses and a profile with at least four photographs form the bulk of the profiles which get responses of interest.

Here are some pro tips for your Online Matrimonial Profile

Include at least one head-shot.

Your head-shot is also your primary profile photograph. Also having just head shots in your profile defeats the very purpose. So have at-least one head shot which you set as a default matrimonial profile picture and additional shots only if you have few other types of photographs.

Multiple photographs that showcase your personality

A great way to enhance your credibility and attractiveness will be to include multiple photographs in your profile along with your head-shot. You can use these photographs to showcase your personality. For example, if you are an avid runner, remember to include a photograph that shows you running. NOTE : Multiple photographs that showcase your full body along with your head-shot will dramatically improve the credibility of your profile.

Good light is the key

Photography is all about light and this holds true even for your matrimonial profiles. Make sure the photographs are well lit. It makes sense to invest time and effort with a good photographer or a good photography studio. Soft diffused light, early morning light does wonders to a portrait, and can be achieved near a window or at an outdoor location early in the morning. An easy way to achieve this is at a studio with a plain backdrop where the highlight of the photograph is just you and without distracting subjects in the background.

As with anything too much of anything is bad. Too much light like in the summers / late mornings or afternoon can be very harsh and will cause you to squint your eyes. Sharp light also casts sharp/dark shadows giving it a very glaring look.

Keep an eye on the background

Remember you are the focus of the photograph, hence it helps to shoot at locations where you have soothing surroundings such as nature (a park, a bed of flowers, a beach). Remember to keep it simple - shoot with uncluttered backgrounds such as a wall, foliage or even the sky (remember where the light is coming from if you want the sky as your background .. it is best when light is at an angle to you instead of it being directly behind you)

Look Confident 

The best way to radiate confidence is to make sure you wear a dress that fits you well. Pick the clothes that have won you compliments from your family and friends and plan to take multiple profile photographs for your matrimony profile in different clothes, have a balanced mix of formal & semi formal attire for your profile. Also watch out on your poise, do not slouch / haunch your back. 


A smile speaks a thousand words, hence SMILE. A full smile, a gentle smile, the confident ones need not shy to show some teeth. Remember - Just be yourself

Your Good Side

Yes!! we all have a good side and a not so flattering one, so try and figure out your best side. Avoid looking posing dead straight while looking into a camera, instead try angle yourself differently.

Keep your hand occupied

One of the biggest give away in photographs is that you are nervous is not knowing what to do with your hands. How to place your hands is easily an entire topic by itself. Ladies try not to keep your hand in a particular position (unless you are an experienced model or a selfie junkie and know what you are doing) instead make slow natural movements (trace your hands), work with your photographer on this. Men, remember to be firm.

Have a double chin ?

Try pressing your tongue to the top of your mouth, see that change it makes. Also try different camera angles (camera slightly above the eye-line)


BONUS :  Scroll down a bit to watch a few tips on posing.




Read 32760 times Last modified on Tuesday, 05 November 2024 13:31


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